The Best Smart Home Apps for Your Android Phone

Veronika Nicoladge
10 Min Read

Smart speakers were brought up to bring ease of interaction with devices regarding the internet of things. They help you in keeping a check on your entire house if you are somewhere far or even in the house busy doing your daily chores. By pairing your devices with google assistant or Amazon Alexa, you can have thorough control over them without having technical concerns over the devices. However, you have to have reliable lag-free internet for these devices to stay aptly connected throughout the day. The recommendation goes with Xfinity Packages, one of the industry favorites with ample amount of internet options, speeds, pricing tiers, and customer care that leave all customers satisfied and hitched to its services.

Moreover, to bring convenience to life we will be talking about the top 4 applications and their pros and cons, apps with which you can easily control the devices connected to your home and make your home smarter.

Google Home:

Having this application in use makes it easy to control your devices from your cellphones. It provides a user-friendly interface where you can access all your connected devices or gadgets on the home screen of this application, without having to go through deep and technical configurations. This application operates without the assistance of any other software and eliminates the manual work from your routine.

A major drawback of this application is that some devices cannot be operated using it even if they are compatible with it and you can see the icon in the application. Features like turning off the television cannot be performed in the Google home application considering the outdated versions of televisions or incompatibility of the application to pair with the device.

This application is a good choice for many people due to its convenience. There are still various functions that Google home is unable to perform and you will have to explore other applications to get them done. This application has a relatively easier-to-use interface and does not require configuration or customization for small tasks, making it attractive for people.

Amazon Alexa:

A little similar to Google Home, Amazon Alexa is considered one of the most convenient and effective applications to maintain and control your household products. It also helps you group them and lets you connect to a vast variety of products.

Alexa features an algorithm where you can control the products in different rooms separately. It can turn off the light bulbs on your signal but cannot turn off the lamps if they are connected to smart plugs, because that is something it cannot withstand yet.

This application includes a widget on your device’s screen, but it lacks shortcut controls to monitor your connected devices and you have to get the application opened every time to perform a task from scratch. This makes it inconvenient to use over the reliability of its competitors.

Samsung Smart things:

This application has the most attractive interface, no doubt it’s a Samsung after all. And not only exclusive to Samsung’s products but you get can many other brand devices attached to this.

This application is relatively easier to set up than the two discussed above, and it also features the split functions for categorically handling the devices in different rooms. One thing that makes it unique is the feature that helps you to set timers for the electrical appliances you have to control, making them cost-efficient and eliminating your worries. The application allows you to make configurations according to your demands.

Adding to all the interesting features, this application allows you to add widgets to your home screen making it furthermore convenient to use. However, the design language is not up to the mark and you will find it hard to get used to this application as your daily driver.

Some features are lacking in this application as the algorithms might not be as strong as the ones in Google home and Amazon Alexa. You have to do a lot of manual work in this for example changing the light colors in different rooms one by one as you cannot do them all in one go.

Apart from this, it is a great application to use, and you will surely find it worth it in coping with your daily check and balance routine. The features provide automation and let you connect to many devices at once. Unless you are to change the colors of bulbs regularly will be time taking, this is the application that would suit your requirements.


Last but not least, we have Olisto, one of the most advanced applications for setting up a smart home. It enables a feature where you can link different devices with each other and they would automatically run on a single notice. You can create schedules here according to your routine on when to turn off the air conditioner, lights, or any other appliance at a particular time even for the whole week. Not only restricted to a single order, but you can also run multiple commands at once and get yourself out of worries.

This application has such interesting features one would crave and would not hesitate to avail. You can get customized schedules in a manner where you link one task to the other. For example, you can ask the application to lock the kitchen door every day at a particular time if you have not exercised enough. All this to improve your health and fitness.

The application helps you in taking immediate actions such as instantly turning on the lights and removing the blinds when you enter your house, this feature is exclusive specifically for this application and exempted from the others. This also has a downside that the buttons for each feature are to be created manually and set up one by one being time-consuming. However, this one-time struggle can give you a convenient and relaxing life ahead.

Olisto is not the application that would suit everyone, as it requires spending a lot of time configuring different operations for your ease. Someone who would not find it boring to give a check on the application’s effectiveness by exploring different configurations would get to feel a lot of ease in the future being assisted by Olisto. Once the automation is done, multiple functions can be performed at a time and with just a click of a button. This application lacks in supporting some common services and does not present any widget, but still gives you regular notifications to stay aware of what needs to be done.

Wrapping Up

You cannot always rely on voice recognition, as these applications might sometimes be unable to understand what message you are trying to convey. Having products from different brands might create confusion in the managing process and you would have to use separate applications for each one. Plus, you are not always in the mood of trying out google assistant for these functions. But making your home a tad bit smarter is worth it, making you tech-savvy and times saving too.

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Veronika Nicoladge
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